The company was founded in 2002, Zwar Egypt Company is one of the pioneers of tourism and religious tourism Domestic industry in Egypt, the company offers special deals in all picturesque cities in Sharm El-Sheikh and Ain Sokhna and Ras Sidr .... etc, and the company performs in 5 star hotels ,4 stars and 3 stars  . in case the customer wants  a particular  hotel  , we handle all booking and transportation conduct .

As for the religious divide , we run  pilgrimage and Umrah trips throughout the year and offers the most competitive prices for hotels in Mecca, which lies only 200 meters from the Haram al-Sharif, about 7 minutes walked .

تمتع معنا بأفضل رحلات الحج و العمرة خلال شهر رمضان المعظم ، و أحصل علي خصم مميز عن طريق الاتصال بنا الان ..